The most spiritual thing a woman can do is be herself

TRIGGER WARNING (this may offend you & make you think I'm bashing men. I'm not. I'm helping you find balance in your femininity)

When a man becomes spiritual he is praised for being so calm & poised

But when a woman is cleaning up her child's vomit at 3 am in the morning, it's considered “woman's work” & that's what she “should” just do

No one considers that this is considered an ego death, a highly spiritual form of disconnection

As a mother of 5, I can't count the amount of times I've wanted to go back to bed instead of cleaning up my kids 

But the thing is, I was born spiritual

I don't need to go to the mountains of Tibet to go through an ego death

I choose love over ego everyday 

I choose to not hurt someone who's harmed me because I love me

For a man, he has to really work hard to not beat that person up

You, my dear sister, are the vessel of love

But for so long you've been indoctrinated to believe there's something wrong with you

And that's why, you've been a people pleaser, perfectionist…good girl

You've believed you need to be less of yourself to gain more of the world

But that's male logic 

As a woman you need to be more of yourself to balance out the world

And that's why the most healing thing you can do as a woman, is just be

Without the need to prove yourself or explain yourself

Without feeling like you need to justify all your actions

Remember the goal isn't to be less of you

But to be absolutely full of yourself

If you're finding it difficult to just be yourself

There's usually a ton of shame surrounding your identity 

You're showing up in the world as the little girl who never felt love

To be yourself you need to change the identity 

Now I've tried tons of inner work

I've done journaling, affirming, CBT, NLP, meditating

And while these had some effects on me, they weren't permanent 

I'm the kind of gal, that wants to see long lasting results

And I know you are too

Which is why I created Abundance Rewiring™️ a hypnotic framework that helps you recreate your identity 

From a hurt little girl to a grown, beautiful, feminine woman 


  1. Deleting painful memories stored in your subconscious & body

  2. Releasing shame stored in your body from those memories, that are dysregulating your nervous system.  This is vital

  3. Reconnecting to your higher self. The woman you dreamed of becoming when you were little

All you do is close your eyes & I do all the hard work

It’s like going to the spa for your subconscious & waking up feeling brand new & unmessable with

You can learn more about Abundance Rewiring™️ & how to heal from trauma to awaken your feminine energy HERE


Here's why you feel like you're wasting money when you spend on yourself


Ramadan Mubarak (Tips for a blessed Ramadan)