Here's why you feel like you're wasting money when you spend on yourself

Are you really good at giving everyone presents?

You could spend your last $100 on your friend

But you could never do the same for yourself

That's because you're reliving childhood patterns

Where you had to fix everyone's broken heart, while yours was shattered to pieces

You had to grow up quick to manage your parent’s emotions 

You learned to be the fixer

You know what it feels like to be unloved or forgotten

So you give, hoping it will heal the wound

But it doesn't

It just makes it worse

You often choke back tears when you watch someone being loved

You wonder what it feels like to receive, without having to ask

Most importantly, you want to receive without feeling like you'll owe them 

That's because as a child you were often reminded of all the things your parents did for you

You were guilt tripped about the food you ate & the clothes on your back

Memories of “I put a roof over your head….I gave you everything” often plague your mind

And that's why when someone buys you a present, you instantly check them in your mind as someone you owe

You don't ever want to be guilt tripped again

So you make sure you're always there for them, drop everything for them because you want them to know you're paying them back & that you're a good friend

The key theme here is going above & beyond, because someone did something nice for you

It's been a long time since you knew what that felt like

So you push out the shame by overgiving

Instead of buying that necklace for yourself, you think of loved ones

You feel guilty spending on yourself

I want to remind you, that you're worthy & deserving of the love you give

It's not your fault

But when you heal the wound you'll fall in love with receiving

You'll be in your feminine energy, that your loved ones will want to help you

It will come naturally to you 

You'll find support wherever you go

You'll let go of control & trust others 

And you'll find friends who adore you & want to shower you with love.

Feminine energy is all about receiving

You were born to receive all things love & abundance 

It's your God-given right

So when you overgive from a place of shame

There's something going on in your subconscious mind

You're playing the identity of the little girl who never felt good enough

When you're given presents you revert back to that identity & all those beliefs & memories come up

Of being guilt-tripped for asking 

So you hold shame in your body to remind yourself to give back

So they don't hold it against you

But this is that masculine shield that's trying to protect you from more disappointment 

Remember you're meant to receive love & support

It's your God given right.


Femininity has nothing to do with aesthetics or performing to get a man


The most spiritual thing a woman can do is be herself