I feel guilty enjoying life while Palestinians suffer

We've all heard the devastating news that 293 MPs voted NO to a ceasefire

And you felt gutted

Like all your protesting, posting, boycotting is useless

You feel guilty for enjoying your life while 2.3 million Palestinians are dodging bombs 24/7

You feel like you're reporting & not doing enough for Palestine

You've abandoned self care

You feel burnt out

It's been 42 days and every day is another death, another horrific video, another cry for help

You're in fawn response

Where adrenaline and cortisol are on an all time high because of the psychological threat of harm

Your mind reads images & believes that's you & then orders your body to shut down

That's why feelings of guilt come up when you take care of yourself

Or feelings of not good enough come up when you're reposting content from Palestine

This is when going with the flow can be more harmful than good

When you go with the flow there's no end in mind so your subconscious feels like this will be a forever thing

That you're going to be stuck for life reporting about a genocide with little to no results

And that feeling of stuckness is causing you to abandon yourself

Your body is hoping to shut down fast enough so you have an excuse to not get stuck speaking about a genocide with no end goal

Here's what you need to do

1. Renew your intention. I like to tell God why I'm posting. I remind myself of the story of Sabbath, where Jews were prohibited to fish on the Sabbath (Quran 7:163)

There was a group who kept advising them not to fish & people kept mocking them saying "why are you reminding them, there's no point they won't listen"

The Jews replied with "to be free from blame & remind them they're breaking a commandment" (Quran 7:164)

Every act done for the sake of God is mighty in weight especially when you feel useless & that it's not working

It's huge to God

2. Tap with 2 fingers on your body, on the place that feels guilty. It could be your heart, shoulder, forehead
Say the negative words out loud. You may find yourself saying "this is pointless, no one's listening. Who cares? Who am I anyways? I'm useless. My voice doesn't matter. The people in power will always win"

Once you've emptied all your negative emotions out, tap on the same place saying the following

"I am who I am and that is enough. My voice shatters ceilings and smashes buildings. I get stronger each time I post, speak about Palestine, protest & boycott. I know I'm enough. I know my voice is being heard. It's good to be loud. It's good to be confrontational. Now is the best time to confront greedy politicians because the power is in my voice. I'm always safe to speak my mind"

Keep tapping until you feel relief, calm & back to your senses

3. Make sure you're getting at least 1 hour of movement a day. We can all get addicted to our phones. Make sure you're moving your body to release feelings
I love to go to the beach & walk barefoot or walk barefoot in my garden. Grounding has been proven to charge you up & renew your cells

You've come this far
Remember that

Keep going

Keep protesting
Keep boycotting
Keep sharing
Until 🍉 is free


The hardest thing I ever had to do…


I'm so grateful God made me a woman