Sacred Feminine Pleasure

Calling All Emotionally and Physically Exhausted High Achieving, Empathic Women

Is this you…..

You have big Dreams and Desires but can't seem to find the Motivation, Direction, or Confidence to Execute

You are so busy putting out fires in the form of deadlines, to-do lists, other people's agendas, and emergencies, that you have no clue where your time, money, and energy are going

No matter how hard you work it's like you can never get ahead. Your work and efforts often go unnoticed and under appreciated.

Fear seems to dominate your thoughts and the thoughts of everyone around you. No matter how many books you read or recite affirmations, someone is always around to humble you

You feel drained and fatigued almost every day and especially after hanging out with certain people

You feel unseen and unheard. You live a life of quiet desperation and have no idea what to do

You’re tired of being a pushover, a people pleaser, doing things for everyone but never having enough time for self-care?

If any of this sounds familiar, your disempowering beliefs and Soul Wounds may be holding you back

It’s time to stop living in a highly reactive state and finally reconnect with your Sacred Feminine Pleasure to live the destiny God intended for you

Most women live in masculine, flight/fight energy, being constantly triggered by their in-laws, friends, husband, colleagues, boss…dog

Their Soul Wounds and critical voice, sabotage their hard work and efforts towards being authentic and feminine

Gurl, it is time, to shed those Soul Wounds in 8 areas of your life

So you can shed false identities, live life authentically and as femininely potent as possible

With God in mind. In flow. As He intended for you

You can be, the woman that exudes confidence, calm, and a magnetic aura. 

Your presence can be seductive and elegant at the same time

Most high-achieving women are strong on the outside but feel exhausted on the inside. 

They armor up and either hide their true feelings or live in a highly reactive state – without any sort of control over their emotional state

Positive thinking can help shift your mood temporarily, but it doesn’t help heal your Soul Wounds in 8 areas of your life

Saying positive affirmations without healing your Soul Wounds permanently, only gets you so far

Look….I spent years defending myself against people’s negative comments, sheltering myself from anything that would trigger my childhood wounds

I’m a Muslim woman, who wears a face veil and talks about sex, orgasms, pleasure, and money online

The fear of being seen, being masculine, and overachieving energy…. kept me stuck and unable to live the life I truly deserved and desired

Despite "having it all" from what appeared on the outside, I was unhappy and lonely on the inside

I used money and shopping to mask my inner wounds instead of working through them

I yearned for a loving man, so I used my personal achievements as an emotional mask 

I was afraid to be vulnerable because of childhood abuse. I used to get the ick around women crying. I was beyond stoic. Numb and cold

I finally decided to change things around by reading hundreds of books, taking tons of courses, coaching, and investing thousands of dollars and years into my own healing

The results

💎 My life is abundant. Every single area of my life is in true alignment with God. I’m living the life I dreamed of when I was broke, homeless, and living out of my car with three kids

💪 My health improved. Scoliosis disappeared. I’m flexible. I look young for a Mum of 5

💞 I met my husband and married after 10 days. It’s been 4 years of heavenly love

People who meet us for the first time think we are newlyweds

We’re best friends with a deep soul connection. I feel like I’ve known him my whole life

I started forming authentic friendships with successful women, something I struggled with before

I scaled to millions by using my feminine potency and helped other women heal too

This a gift given to me by God

I was so afraid to share my gifts with the world

I was so afraid to even create this mastermind

But the transformations of every woman who’s joined, has been mind-blowing

I wake up every day feeling deeply satisfied, fulfilled, and grateful beautiful, abundant life

And so do my students

All because I made ONE DECISION - to heal permanently or die trying

I created Abundance Rewiring to heal permanently in 8 areas of my life

Abundance Rewiring is a powerful hypnosis framework that helps you 

Delete painful memories in your subconscious mind and rewire disempowering beliefs

Release shame/guilt stored in your body to get your nervous system out of fight/flight and into rest, relax and receive

Reconnect to your potent, authentic, feminine self and download her belief system

Sacred. Feminine. Pleasure


Sacred. Feminine. Pleasure *

In just 1 hour!

Instead of spending years with a therapist or Googling affirmations, you just sleep and I instruct your subconscious mind to release, rewire, reprogram and your body to release, cleanse, and shed trauma

Abundance Rewiring has helped my students take quantum leaps into their true feminine authentic power, and CLAIM their God-given Abundance (yes you were born rich and wealthy)

Cus gurl, God wants you to win and meet Him in Heaven. He argued with the angels about you. He BELIEVED in your potential, way before you came to Earth

And it is my passion to help successful, alpha, empathic, high achieving, sensitive women from all walks of life to heal permanently from trauma to live their most AUTHENTIC, FEMININE, POWERFUL self

My clients include Doctors, Realtors, Corporate Baddies, Business Owners, and women just like you from all over the world 

They happily pay thousands of dollars to work with me one on one

This MASTERMIND contains everything, you need to get the same results in overcoming your past and healing permanently

Just listen to what Naeema had to say…

Here's the Truth....

Each second you delay healing permanently due to time or money constraints, you are actually losing more time and money

I get it, you may be thinking, I can just google the information, watch YouTube videos, or just read some books. 

The truth is that most people don't even know what to search for. How can you know what you don't know? 

And consuming information in bits and pieces and trying to duct tape it all together isn't going to help you heal permanently

You don’t need more information

You need to unlock the answers within and embody them

Enter your Sacred. Feminine. Pleasure 

The work we do in the next 8 weeks is all about embodiment

There is no new information you need

You have all the answers within

This is true feminine energy

It’s about healing permanently from traumas and drama addictions, to activate your God-given authentic, feminine power

Sacred. Feminine. Pleasure is a LIVE Mastermind to Healing permanently from trauma conquering your triggers, overcoming doubt, claiming confidence, and finally stepping into authentic, potent feminine energy

Girl, I get you!!

You’ve tried acting as if but soon find yourself back to your old way of behaving

The truth is most information out there revolves around learning complicated studies, theories, or psychology or learning rules, that feel so inauthentic to your feminine potency

Both are valid but neither leads to reprogramming your subconscious, that you need to heal permanently

Learning and digesting more information isn’t going to help you heal permanently

Embodiment is where the healing is at

You need to embody your authentic self so you can ascend triggers and heal permanently to live a rich, abundant, and blessed life

This is why Sacred. Feminine. Pleasure is DIFFERENT

You’ll get

LIVE Abundance Rewiring every week

to heal your Soul Wounds in those 8 key areas of your life. Without this, you will go back to old habits and patterns. Abundance Rewiring is a powerful hypnosis framework that rewires, reprograms your subconscious, and releases trauma in your body in just 1 hour. These sessions will be recorded and uploaded within 24 hours of the session (8-WEEK ACCESS TO RECORDINGS ONLY)

LIVE coaching every week.

You can ask any question you want every week and I will coach you live in the group. These calls are recorded and uploaded within 24 hours of the session (8-WEEK ACCESS ONLY)

ACCESS to PRIVATE FB group for 8 weeks

where we share, celebrate, and heal with other women. Group healing is the most powerful form of healing as your nervous system learns how to co-regulate with other women. This is VITAL to awaken your feminine energy (8-WEEK ACCESS ONLY)

ACCESS to modules

that teach you how to heal permanently and release trauma from your body including Energy Cleanse sessions (8-WEEK ACCESS ONLY)

⁕ Juicy Bonuses! ⁕

Bounce Back from a Bad Break Up

Learn how to stop attracting narc, toxic men by getting out of victim thinking (LIFETIME ACCESS)

Get rich with Purpose Program

Learn how to be Rich and Religious. Mindset hacks to have a phat bank account without breaking your back (LIFETIME ACCESS)

Private Community of Sisterhood

You will receive access to the private community of sisterhood to celebrate, network, and heal together.

Escape the Matrix, Feminine Energy, Deepen your Intuition, Millionaire Mentality, Weight Off and Luscious Locks Hypnosis Audios (LIFETIME ACCESS)


We meet via a private Zoom on Tuesday 12pm - 1.30pm UK time for 
 Wednesday 12pm - 1pm UK time Abundance Rewiring 
then 1pm - 2.30pm UK TIME LIVE COACHING
Next round starts 7th MAY 2024 AT 12PM UK TIME

Learn to turn your struggles into Sacred Feminine Pleasure and information overload into Embodiment

You are worthy of having love without having to "earn it." 

You are worthy of having fun, without having to "work hard" first.

You are worthy of having freedom, without having to be a slave to everyone else’s needs first!

When I created this mastermind,  I was terrified to teach it! 

But the response I got from students blew my mind.  

I had no idea that women from all walks of life, all ages, and all cultures were craving this information
so bad! I can't believe I almost didn't teach it

This Mastermind has awakened the sacred feminine pleasure in hundreds of women
from all over the world.  

Each woman has received the transmissions in exactly the way she needed at the time.  

Some have gotten out of deadbeat "relationships".  

Manifested their masculine providers

Others have activated next level boundaries.  

Some have manifested more wealth and better positions of power for themselves. 

I can't say exactly how this information will be received by your current consciousness, but I know it will change your life beyond what any of us can imagine right now. 

It’s time to step into your Sacred. Feminine. Pleasure

Because you’re worth it


Is this a live program?

Yes. The next cohort is opening in May 2024

Do I have to be a career, successful woman to enroll?

No, you can be any walk of life. You just have to have the commitment to heal permanently

Are there payment plans/scholarships

Not at this time

Do you offer a refund?

Strictly no refunds

If I have an inquiry about the mastermind how do I contact you?

I can’t afford it

You can join my Heal Permanently from Trauma Program where you learn the skills to heal from childhood traumas and master your triggers and emotions. CLICK HERE

Do I have to be Muslim to enroll?

Nope. However, I’ll be mentioning my faith and Allah a lot during the live coaching and Abundance Rewiring as all the work I do is in line with Islam

I can’t attend live. Will I still heal permanently?

Yes, I’ve had students who work full time, watch the recordings of sessions, and heal permanently. You can watch their testimonials. CLICK HERE

What My Clients Say…

“Enjoying some peace in a way that I haven’t felt before. Alhamdulillah. And feeling like my body is getting back to normal.”

“Rosy, you are an incredible healer. We are all stepping into better versions of ourselves under your guidance. This type of collective transformation will send ripples for generations to come. I’m so blessed to be part of this beautiful sisterhood. I love you all.”

“PS: Since the start of the Badass program, I am feeling even more aligned with my feminine… feeling submissive to hubby, so much so that I am no longer doing any work at night. And that is amazing. Thank you.”

“I finally did the abundance rewiring session… It goes even deeper than Marisa Peer’s! It was crazy because the future me I saw (as me and as my business) looks so different to my original visualisation - I’ll need a rebrand lol.”

 Let’s do this, queen!

Been walking around wondering "could life get worse"?

It probably could, but I want to offer you a different perspective

What if you could enjoy the challenges that life throws at you & laugh your way through them?

What if you could take radical responsibility & own your power?

In this eBook I give you examples of real life events, that shaped the woman I am today