Awaken your feminine power to alchemize pain & banish people pleasing

If you're reading this chances are you are a woman who falls into one or all three categories

The Perfect People Pleaser

👉🏽Busy helping everyone through their problems, but figuring everything alone

👉🏽Stress about mistakes or getting tasks wrong in case you're judged

👉🏽Mind your P's & Q's hardly showing your personality because you're worried about being misjudged

👉🏽Over explain why do things so people don't feel offended by you or your personality

👉🏽You avoid getting dressed up or being the center of attention, in case you respond to compliments with something embarrassing

👉🏽Rehearse your orders before going out

👉🏽Hyper observant of your husbands behavior because you'd rather catch him out than feel betrayed

👉🏽Escape a lot, daydream of being somewhere else especially when you need to complete tasks

👉🏽Say yes when you mean no & then figure out ways to get out of the commitment e.g fake being sick

👉🏽Wish people would be there for you the way you're always there for them

👉🏽Disappear or isolate after being vulnerable because you feel bad for talking too much

👉🏽Do the most for others & feel resentful when others don't reciprocate the energy

👉🏽Hide by the buffet at events

👉🏽Attract men who want to use your body or ghost you after the first date

👉🏽Don't follow through on decisions, you find a reason why it won't work

👉🏽Want attention from your partner but end up arguing with him for the attention

👉🏽Feel super icky or guilty for taking yourself on a date 

👉🏽Feel like God doesn't love you or doesn't answer you

Or you're The Burnt Out Hustler

👉🏽Extreme addiction to rare success because you have to live an extraordinary life to keep people around

👉🏽Feel dissatisfied with your achievements. They never feel enough

👉🏽Hardly celebrate your big wins because you feel like it's normal or ordinary

👉🏽Hard on yourself, can't catch a break & feel guilty for having lazydays

👉🏽Stay productive, struggle to switch off & wind down for the night

👉🏽Feel this void within that can't be numbed with substances, food or other activities

👉🏽Always the strong one, hardly showing emotions or being vulnerable 

👉🏽Focus on being productive over Getting a good night's rest

👉🏽Can't switch off at night because there's just so much to do the next day

👉🏽Sabotage opportunities by quitting last minute or accepting the thought "its too good to be true" 

👉🏽Have painful periods or autoimmune disease or dislike being on your periods 

👉🏽Can't trust your gut on things & ignore red flags

👉🏽 Put your career over your mental health

Here's why

You're in your wounded feminine

You may have heard growing up

Good girls are nice

Get good grades & a good job before marriage

Men are trash

Women are devils

Don't eat with your mouth open

Hide your breasts they're enticing men

Cover your bum you're being too sexy

You're too much

You're too loud

You're too confident

You're different

Your life as a woman is to either do it better than a man or compete as much as you can, while still being less of a woman

Your life was built around how well you can compete, hustle, be productive while diminishing
yourself & gifts

As we see the world burn down, human life being dehumanized & corrupt men leading the way

I can't help but wonder what life would be like if we all embraced our femininity 

We've been disconnected from our spiritual, intuitive side for way too long

Called witches & shamed for having periods
Should be out of sight and out of mind
But recent genocides in Palestine, Sudan, Tigray, Congo, Uighur, Rohingya have had us all asking
where are the leaders?

The leader is within you

As a woman you have the ability to lead armies

Yes the feminine is to lead with the desires of your heart

The masculine is to provide the desires of the heart 

In Islam we have examples of great warriors like Khawala and Nusaybah

In Viking history we have Bouddica

In English history we have Florence Nightingale

All these great women showed us what it means to be a woman

What it means to heal from the belief that women don't mean anything

That we're meant to be hidden and unseen

So why do you believe, you have to do life, better than a man or be a man to be recognised for your gifts? 

There are two primary causes for why we develop this wound: The presence of our father and the connection with your mother

It begins with the Daddy wound that hurt your connection with God

Your Dad represents the safety and protection you feel with God

If your Dad was absent, God was too

Perhaps your parents divorced, or he traveled for work alot

Or you were adopted or you didn't even know your Dad

You ended up feeling unloved, unwanted & confused about your role in life

Which harmed your feminine energy & intuition. You shut down to survive

Shutting down turned off your creativity, which is your God given right as a woman

And created shame in your womb

The shame shows up as people pleasing & hustling

You either let people walk all over you or you overachieve til you're burnt out that it affects your mental & physical health

When your Dad didn't provide the safe space your Mum was angry, uptight which made you feel uncertain, unlovable & unimportant

Your Mum is meant to teach you your feminine power,  but if she was hustling to provide & trying to keep you alive 

She had to disconnect from her feminine, so she didn't get too attached to you

Which made you feel unsafe

When you have these wounds, your body feels unsafe to receive love, money, success, downloads from God, in a natural, easy way

God is your safe space

Childhood & ancestral traumas made you believe it's unsafe to talk to God

You don't know your limits, feel like you have to always give & receive little in return

You let people take advantage of your kindness & then let them back in your life because you forgave them

You overwork, try to be the best at everything because if you don't, you believe no one will like you

You say yes when you mean no & don't have the confidence to express what you really want

It's time to heal them permanently so you stop sabotaging the opportunities that come your way

And receive them with love, conviction & unwavering faith

It's time for you to heal permanently so you become the mother you needed when you were younger

It's time to heal permanently so your legacy gets to thrive in a world where connection matters 

Where God is center of your world & you believe in His Abundance 

So you don't hustle like your grandparents did, you receive like you're meant to

You do this by learning skills to regulate your nervous system so you can tap into your feminine & listen to hypnosis audios while you sleep

I've discovered techniques that allow you to somatically and psychologically get to the root cause of your wounded feminine

And help you move past the trauma of your childhood for good

These skills are needed when you're 

☑️ triggered - instead of reacting to criticism you hold space for the trigger and express from a place of confidence & power

☑️ sabotaging - instead of thinking "this is too good to be true" when great things happen, you feel deeply grateful for the blessings

☑️ people pleasing - instead of saying yes you say no without explaining yourself or making the other person feel better about your decision

☑️ procrastinating - instead of saying "I'll do it tomorrow" you develop the sense of urgency that helps you complete the task now

☑️ being a perfectionist - instead of waiting for the right time, you make time for your dreams

And then every night you need to hear certain words at the perfect frequency, to rewire your subconscious & heal your memories

Your subconscious is a huge hard drive that has painful memories playing on repeat keeping you in your wounded feminine

It's active the most when you sleep

When you have the right words and frequency playing every night, you'll wake up feeling energized

😇 relaxed
🤩 creative 
😌 peaceful
😊 insightful
❤️ in tune with your intuition
🙏🏽 deeply connected with God

So that you can 

wake up focused, refreshed, energized with complete clarity on the day 

have complete control over your emotions instead of having a melt down over minor inconveniences or people's opinions

shut off for the day. When you say you're going to bed at 10pm, you turn your phone off at 8pm, create a bedtime routine & stick to it. It brings you joy to have a routine before bed

eat better, stay committed to exercising & feel good doing nothing all day

Hypnosis is a wonderful tool that rewires, recalibrates, reprograms your subconscious

It's time to learn the skills your parents and teachers, should have taught you to heal permanently 

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed like nothing matters other than your dreams

Imagine buying that dress you've been eyeing with no guilt

Imagine finally booking your dream vacation with no stress

Imagine going on date nights with your husband feeling like a Queen

Imagine loving your reflection feeling so sexy

Imagine turning off your phone on the weekend to having a relaxing weekend off. No anxiety

Imagine setting firm boundaries with loved ones with zero guilt

Imagine feeling so respected by your friends

Imagine sticking to your diet because it's so easy

Imagine hardly getting triggered

Imagine saying no without explaining yourself

Imagine meeting your soulmate

Imagine having everything you dreamed of

Introducing …

In Sacred Feminine Power Program, you will

Feel equipped with the tools to manage your mind in times where you feel triggered, so you feel in control and respond as your highest self, rather than feeling reactive all the time

Learn how to transmute negative feelings so that you no longer allow stress to take over, instead come back into balance and ease in your body at your will

Tap out negative emotions to tap in more power.  Use this when you get triggered by something & want to go back to old habits

Script your dream life instead of just journaling about it. Use this to get what you pray for without constantly reverting back to old patterns and sabotaging your progress

Learn the power of self soothing so you no longer rely on external spurces of addictions, validation or guily pleasures to bring you comfort 

Clear your womb using the pre recorded Energy Cleanse so you can make powerful decisions using your intuition, and no longer rely on others’ approval to feel good about them

You'll also get all my hypnosis audios that are designed to help you embody your true self so you can live the life you dream of, stress free

  • Feminine Energy Audio

  • Deepen your Intuition Audio

And you'll get pre-recorded videos where I coach you on every single challenge you can think of

Your Mum in Law annoying you? It's probably because she's so good at getting her way. I have the solution 

Getting tired of nagging your husband to take you on a date? It's probably because you don't know how to put yourself first. I have a solution for that

Is money leaving your account quicker than it goes in? You probably don't like money. I have a solution for that

Do your friends hardly invite you out? It's probably because you let them walk all over you. I've got a solution for that

The way I coach is unconventional, deep, to the point & probably not what you expected

It's a no BS filter to the actual problem

I have a gift to see the actual problem for what it is, instead of what you want it to be

That's why my clients and students transform their lives when working with me

Monthly Live Coaching

  • You'll get the chance to sit with me live, in the 30th of each month, over zoom in a group and be coached for 15 mins

  • As I said my coaching is different I have a gift to see what's actually happening in your subconscious mind

  • You'll leave the coaching call with a tool that will help you break the habit/pattern you're in. This tool will be unique for you only, not a generic tool that I picked from a book

Lifetime Access to Private FB group

  • Co-regulating with other women is a powerful way to heal your wounded feminine. Be seen, heard & celebrated in the sisterhood 

This is the only program you'll ever need to heal your wounded feminine permanently so you can embody the true version of yourself

The woman who has it all & is deeply satisfied, grateful & happy


Q. Is this a pre-recorded program?

A.Yes all modules are pre recorded so you can watch them in your own time

Q. Do I have to be Muslim to buy?

A.No, I talk about God in my program. If you're comfortable with that sign up

Q.What happens when I sign up?

A.You'll receive an email with a link to Thinkific go sign in with the email address you used to pay. You'll be asked to set a password. And then you'll get access to all the recordings

Q.What if I can't show up for live coaching?

A.Coaching is on the 30th of every month. You'll be sent an email with the zoom link. You'll be coached according to the order you submitted your Q. I coach 4 students in one hour. Each month I'll coach a new set of 4 students If you can't attend live you'll be coached the following month

Q.What's the price? Is there a payment plan

A.£1888. No payment plan

Q.Can I listen to the hypnosis in the morning

A.Yes, your subconscious is most active when you sleep and 10 mins after you wake up

Q. Can I use an anonymous FB profile for the group

A.Absolutely. If you want to remain anonymous that's fine. You can also submit your Q under a different name. But if you want that level of deep intimacy my advise is to come as you are. Be brave to bare it all

Q. Is there a way to work 1:1?

A: Yes you can book a 1:1 Abundance Rewiring HERE If you're a successful woman looking to find your soulmate but keep attracting the wrong type of men, click HERE to learn how we can work together.

As a BONUS, if you’ve signed up for SFPower, you can book a 30-min 1:1 session with me for ONLY $1100.