Heal Your Mummy Wound

How the Mother Shadow affects your Health, Love & Abundance

Live Masterclass on

Have you healed the Daddy wound but still can't figure out why you're so critical of yourself?

You often think about what your Mum would say or how disappointed she would be if she knew what you secretly wanted

To be a housewife, work part-time & raise your kids

The horror! You can imagine her disgust saying you wasted your degree, PhD & career

It's time to heal the Mummy wound once & for all

And on Monday 19th June at 2 pm UK time, you'll learn how to heal it permanently

You'll learn:

👉🏽How the Mummy wound is blocking your ability to attract the right man/have a passionate marriage
👉🏽Why it's more important to heal the Mummy wound to awaken your feminine energy
👉🏽The key areas of your life that get stagnant when you have a Mummy wound

BONUS: Energetic cord cutting with your Mother's emotional baggage so you can feel free to express your feminine

Claim your spot TODAY for only £71

Simply type your email address & make payment below

As soon as you make payment, you'll be sent a 'Welcome email' with all the deets.

Make sure to check your spam or add hello@rosaleanbatool.com to your safe list

See you soon!