Heal Permanently from Trauma

Learn the skills to go from victim mindset to empowered thinking

Watch video below to heal permanently

If you went through childhood trauma then it's very likely

You don't know who you are

You love to disassociate 

You feel responsible for everyone's emotions

You feel like everyone's happiness is on you

If your friend, colleague, or partner is in a bad mood, you feel like it's your duty to make them smile

But you also like to isolate a lot too 

Funny huh? 

You crave love but when you get it, all sorts of ickness takes over your body

Like guilt, shame,… anger

You're so good at being there for others but when it gets too much, you want to be alone

So, to make yourself feel better you say

I love my own space

I love being alone

But when you're alone you distract yourself from actually being yourself

Because you don't know who you are… 

Actually there is something you've known about yourself

And you were told it often 

That you're so mature for your age

That you're too independent 

Oh and you call yourself an introvert because you believe that's what you chose to be

Do you see the pattern? 

Childhood trauma stunted your personality 

You don't know who you are because you were forced to grow up too quick 

You were busy being a third parent, suppressing your emotions or dealing with emotional/physical abuse

That being a child just wasn't on the agenda

You were too busy trying to please your parents (and I don't mean drawing pretty pictures) 

You were taught that

You don't matter 

You're not good enough 

You're unlovable 

You're unimportant 

You don't belong

You're ugly

You're dumb

You're unworthy 

You're nothing 

You're useless

The list goes on… 

And as you're reading this you're probably saying

🏳️ “It is what it is" 

🏳️"It wasn't that bad" 

🏳️ "I don't remember" 

🏳️ "I'm at peace with it"

Or you laugh about your childhood because you just don't know how to process the emotion of deep shame and fear

Do you talk about how dark your past was as if it was nothing? 

Do you talk about traumatic experiences as if it was normal? 

Here's what I want you to realise

It was normal to you 

Toxicity, drama, narcissism, abuse seemed like a normal Tuesday morning… to you

Trauma was normal for you, but you did not deserve it

The thing is, your parents were really good at manipulating you

They took away your toys

They guilt trip you

They made you feel bad for feeling happy 

They made themselves the center of your world while you drowned in theirs

Your stresses, emotional outbursts, and normal cries
for help were met with

"I have it worse than you" 

→ "Shut up" 

→ "You're a drama queen" 

→ "I'll give you something to cry about" 

So you learned that it was normal to drown in your sorrow, while pretending everything was fine

And you've done a good job at pretending you're happy, your whole life

Don't get me wrong, you've surpassed what happened to you

You don't want to think about your childhood or play victim

☑️ You have a successful career

☑️ You're making money

☑️ You've left your parent’s house

☑️ You live a beautiful life

☑️ You have loved ones 

But you're reliving your childhood by 


being an introvert

taking on everyone's problems 

not setting boundaries

people pleasing




feeling like you've not achieved enough

struggle to relax and rest

Now, your new normal is;

Taking on everyone's burdens at work

Letting your friends throw shade or intentionally hurt you

Not setting proper boundaries and maintaining them

🏳️ Drama





🏳️Tight neck, back, jaw, shoulders  

But they all point to one thing

Your childhood traumas

You're in a Sabotage Cycle™️ trying to heal your childhood, by subconsciously reliving them in the present moment

The thing is, even though you've grown up 

You're still responding to life like the little girl who wasn't allowed to express herself 

And it's keeping your nervous system in fight/flight instead of rest, relax and receive mode

You're stuck in survival

That's why you're struggling to lose that belly fat

🏳️You have water retention

🏳️Your back aches despite all the massages

🏳️You can't shut your mind off at night

🏳️You feel safer alone than with your friends 

🏳️You binge-watch Netflix and then feel guilty for not being productive enough 

You're doing all the things you wish you could've done as a little girl

Things that would've made you feel like you had a normal family

Your body is holding on to the identity of that little girl and it's manifesting as health issues

And then it shows up in your bank account as an unexpected bill or feast/famine 

And then it shows up in your love life

You meet a toxic man, or he ghosts you, or your marriage is dry

Which shows up in your career. You're working a draining job for a paycheck, dreaming of your next vacation.
You dread work, every morning 

And that affects your authenticity. You eat your words and can't be yourself because you don't know who you're meant to be 

Which wounds your feminine /sexual energy. You struggle with body dysmorphia, struggle to do everything yourself, get anxious asking for help, see your emotions as weak

You want to be stronger than everyone else, so you work later than everyone else keeping you stuck in your masculine energy

And that blocks your intuition. Your intuition is the gateway to your soul's desires. When you don't know who you are,
you ignore the whispers of your soul

Which affects your relationship with God. God has a purpose for your trauma. God is calling you back to Him everyday.
He wants you to win. Your prayers are lackluster and conviction. 

You just don't believe God Loves you. You're too focused on pleasing and carrying everyone's burdens,
ignoring the Signs God sends

Which finally goes back to affecting your health

🏳️Your jaw is tight

🏳️Your neck and shoulders carry more knots

🏳️You're struggling with your menstrual cycle, fibroids, cysts 

🏳️You have an autoimmune disease 

🏳️Your sleep cycle is poor

Everything is linked and you'll remain in this Sabotage Cycle™️ until you heal permanently 

It's time to learn the skills your parents and teachers, should have taught you to heal permanently 

When you heal from your childhood, you heal seven generations to come 

Your grandparents 
Your parents 
Your children 
Your grandchildren 
Your great-grandchildren 
And so on

This isn't about playing dress up and throwing daisies, running in a sundress through the fields 

This is personal

You're chosen by God

You went through trauma to heal from it. You're meant to heal to inspire others to heal too

You're the hero you were looking for, when you were little, sad that Mummy didn't buy your fave toy

Or when Daddy didn't want to spend time with you

You're the parent you've been searching for your whole life

Imagine learning the skills to heal permanently, conquer your triggers, overcome self-doubt, and express your authentic self

Imagine healing your inner child and becoming the woman you dreamed of

No more eating your words

Letting people walk all over you

Managing to-do lists just to be drained at the end of the day 

Imagine living an authentic life, feeling enough, and whole

Introducing …


Heal Permanently from Trauma Self-Study Program

In this self study program,
you'll gain  

Lifetime access to pre-recorded modules teaching you all the skills you'll ever need to heal permanently from trauma 

These are the skills I've gained from healing permanently from child sexual abuse, domestic violence, suicidial ideation, poverty, homelessness and health problems 

Lifetime access to a library of past coaching questions I've received from 100s of women

It's an encyclopedia of coaching questions that relate to any part of your life

Is your Mum in law pissing you off..i have video on that

Do you want to get revenge on the people who hurt you..I got you

Is your sex life dry… I got something for you

Is your friend toxic… I got you

The coaching questions have been categorized into 8 areas





Feminine/Sexual Energy 




☑️ These 8 areas are the keys to healing permanently 

☑️ The coaching I offer is unlike any other in the healing space 

☑️ I'm not here to make you a victim

☑️ I'm here to awaken the feminine warrior within

She's been afraid to rise from the ashes, afraid of judgment and criticism 

My coaching is here to add potency to your life

The missing ingredient to healing permanently 

Access to private FB group

you can share your wins, be witnessed, held, and celebrated. This is the support you craved when you were younger. Sharing your journey in a group helps with co-regulation which is vital to healing permanently

Live monthly coaching calls

You have the chance to submit a question to be coached live via a private group zoom call. Monthly calls are on the last Thursday of every month

Bonus Lifetime Access

to Escape the Matrix Hypnosis Audio and Feminine Energy Audio

When you learn how to self-regulate, master your mind, and hack your reality 

Healing becomes permanent

It doesn't take a lifetime to heal from your childhood 

You can heal permanently once you learn the skills


Is this a live program? 

No this is a self-study program where you get re-recorded answers to everyday questions. There is an encyclopedia of me coaching women on their everyday struggles from dating, divorce, money, starting a business, reconnecting to God, losing weight 

Just click through the topic that relates to you, watch the video, and implement the coaching I give you. Watch how your life changes in an instant 

Do we get 1:1 time with Rosalean?

No, you can enroll in Sacred. Feminine. Pleasure LIVE or hire me 1:1

What results can I expect to see? 

The results vary and depend on how well you & how often you implement the tools I teach 

Do I get lifetime access?

Yes. As soon as you make payment you'll receive immediate access to heal permanently

Is there a refund policy? 

Strictly no refunds

Do I have to be Muslim to buy?

Nope. This program is catered for all women of all ages, backgrounds, races and religionsAre there any refunds?

What if I want more coaching? 

Then Sacred. Feminine. Pleasure LIVE is the place for you. An 8-week group program where you get Abundance Rewiring™️ every week to ditch the drama in 8 areas of your life & awaken your true feminine self. Click HERE for more details

Been walking around wondering "could life get worse"?

It probably could, but I want to offer you a different perspective

What if you could enjoy the challenges that life throws at you & laugh your way through them?

What if you could take radical responsibility & own your power?

In this eBook I give you examples of real life events, that shaped the woman I am today