Online Program

Get Rich with Purpose

Feminine Edition

Tired of hearing money is energy & not knowing where to start?

Or that you have to be feminine, relax & money will come

Are you done stressing about bills, recession & inflation? 

I want you to understand that everything you've been taught about money is a lie

You can make money when you're angry, sad or anxious

You don't always have to be high vibe

You don't have to be affirming to the moon & back





Only to sabotage all the mindset work you've done every time you get a bill

The first step to abundance is understanding that money is YOU 🔐


💎YOU are energy

💎Whatever your believe about money is what you believe about yourself 

And this is where people mess up, when it comes to getting rich 

They believe that the meditation, affirmations are separate from them

They believe that there is some secret code out there in the world, that they haven't tapped into yet 

And if they just read one more book, watch another YouTube video then they'll crack the code

The code is YOU! 💛

Because I know you're tired of 

It's all within you

All you have to do is change the way you perceive money

Money isn't outside of you. 

It's within you

When I learned this concept I scaled to multi 6 figures during a pandemic! 

Yes, the pandemic made me rich! 

Right now I know you're being careful about what you spend 

Your nervous system is in freeze mode because of all the negative energy being spewed into the world about money

I totally understand the fear you have that you may run out of money & it's wiser to save

I want to help you break through that thinking so you can live a life that's full of pleasure, profit & purpose 


🧲Imagine getting an unexpected bill & paying it & more money comes back

💎Imagine spending money on yourself & feeling calm about it

🫐Imagine buying quality, organic food instead of deliberating over the price difference & wasting so much time in the aisle 

🏄🏾‍♂️Imagine giving your children the life they deserve

👧🏾Imagine sending them to the best schools

💅🏾Imagine hiring a nanny, driver, chef, maid, driver & feeling good about it

🧡Imagine making financial decisions with pure conviction & certainty

You can get rich with purpose

I teach you how in 1 hour 

In this program you'll receive 6 modules that will shift your perspective on money

👉🏽Went from broke, homeless, single Mum to multi 6 figures in less than 3 years. 

I'm in the top 1% of women running a biz as a WOC & mother to 5 kids. It takes women like me, 10 years on average to hit multi 6 figures

🏠 Moved into my dream home within a month of visualising

🤎Meeting my husband & marrying him after 10 days. We've been together 3 years & it's been the best years of my life. We have 2 kids together

🎉Moving to Africa & living in our dream home by the beach in a few months. Everyday I wake up to the sea, my ultimate dreams

And my clients 

🤑 Shalena went from worrying people wouldn't pay £4k for coaching, to signing up clients non stop

🤑Rayesa raised her prices to £6k and booked clients with ease

🤑Sumaira, works full time & booked a 12k client

🤑Asumini works full time & booked a client who paid in full 

🤑Ronja's PayPal notifications are pinging all night long

This will be the LAST program you will ever need to buy to change the way you think of money. When I learned the feminine way to be rich I

The list goes on & on. My clients had exponential shifts in their money, simply by changing the way they perceive it

Their money didn't just change. Their life changed

👉🏽H went from wanting to leave her husband to reigniting the spark in her marriage & having a baby after 7 years of infertility

👉🏽A discovered her passion for healthy eating & lost 10kg

👉🏽L bounced back after divorce & scaled her business

👉🏽N stopped procrastinating & started her business

👉🏽A fell pregnant naturally after years of failed IVF

👉🏽S healed from IBS

👉🏽M healed from years of eczeme

OK seriously the list is endless 


Look, I could sit here all day trying to convince you why my methodology works

I could direct you to testimonials of all the amazing
women who got richer in wealth, health & peace

But I know the type of person you are

You like doing the work. You love getting stuck in & figuring it out as you go along 

So go ahead. Click the link to gain access to the Get Rich with Purpose Program (feminine edition) for only £179

Here's what you're getting 


Multi-Million Mindset Audio 

Escape the Matrix Audio

Listen to the audio while you sleep for 21 days for maximum effect

Q & A

Q. Is this a live coaching program? 

No. This is a self paced program that you can watch in your own time. The exercises are easy to complete

Q. If I want to ask you a Q about something, how do I ask? 

You can email with the title as 'Q for GRWP' 

Q. Are there any refunds

A. If you're thinking of buying believing you won't change your money mindset, then expect to be disappointed. If you buy with the intention to become rich, you will.

My clients get long-lasting results that keep on transforming them, long after our work together



From being burnt out to raising her prices and working less.



From undercharging to doubling her prices and booking clients.



Went from doubting her prices to tripling them.



In 6 months, Lisa went from feeling confused to clarity in her business.