How to avoid resentment towards your husband, when you're the breadwinner
How do you figure out your role in your marriage when you're making more money?
If you ask social media, Shera will say "Your husband's a roommate, sprinkle sprinkle. Find a new one".
The IG baddies will say "If he wanted, he would" while taking pics of themselves in an infinity pool full of roses
The feminists will say "You don't need a man when you're paying all the bills. Leave his ass. Kick him out"!
The religious folks will say "Be patient. If he doesn't pay the bills, be patient. If he doesn't clean. Be patient".
Bluepillers will say "You deserve a man who will cook, clean AND pay your bills"
Redpillers & MGTOW will say "high-value men cheat so be happy you have someone"
Here's my advice
Learn to ask God & yourself, what feels good for you
Subconsciously you're afraid of owning your decisions
Ever since you were young, you were programmed to follow someone else's plan for you
If you come from a cultural family, there's so much shame in divorce, separation & money
The feeling in your body is the fear of judgment
You die at the thought of people judging you for paying for a grown man
So you diss your husband when he's too happy
You're repulsed by sex
You watch his every move because you feel like you own him
You can't trust him with money
You've turned into his mother
Now you're in a Sabotage Cycle™️ trying to prove you have a good marriage, while resenting your husband every time he breathes
It's your job to discern if the man you're with, is a good man
Only you know that. You need to dig into your intuition to figure it out
But when you're in masculine energy your intuition is suppressed & you focus on proving
Ask yourself;
Where is that need to prove coming from?
I'm not saying it's okay for you to remain the breadwinner, because we have the biological urge to be taken care of
But what we can do is learn how to master our emotions & intuition so we don't make impulsive decisions just because a guru on the Internet said so
This is feminine energy. Where you focus on what feels good for you & in line with your lifelong vision
Marriage is a lifelong commitment
There may come a time when your husband loses his job
It happened to my clients during the pandemic
They resented their husband when he couldn't pay the bills
When we explored the resentment we found this in the subconscious;
"What would people say, if they knew, I was paying the bills? How do I explain I'm taking care of my family"
Their womb was shrinking. It's meant to receive from the masculine
We used Abundance Rewiring™️ to purge the shame.
It was like a weight had been lifted from their hearts & they could finally think clearly about what they want
Some chose divorce & are happy with their decision
Others stayed & gave an ultimatum Their husband pulled through & became the breadwinner again
While others retired their husband & have a partnership. It worked for them
Try this energetic cord-cutting if you're feeling resentful
Close your eyes
Imagine your husband stood in front of you
Let the resentment rise into your heart & turn into a cord, coming out of your heart attached to him
Repeat out loud "I love you, thank you, I'm sorry, please forgive me"
Use your fingers to cut the cord
Do this as many times as you want to release the resentment.