Sacred Feminine Success

Your online guide to help you unlock your feminine energy, become a client magnet and quantum-leap your earning abilities.

Have you been lacking motivation lately?

You have this feeling of impending doom despite how successful you are

You can barely get tasks done & can just about, muster up the courage to get to work or on your team calls

You put it down to travel burnout or not sleeping enough 

But you've slept loads & have been taking your supplements 

You've been going to Yoga, making sure you move regularly 

On the outside everything looks perfect 

So why can't you shake this feeling off?

The real reason is…

You've been going through it with your relationship 

Your relationship feels off. Your partner isn't reciprocating love to you

He's been hinting date night but you're just not in the mood 

Or he dealt a low blow… he recently told you he wants a break 

You thought you were coping well with it until a client didn't pay, or honor their contract

Or, your boss called you in for a meeting & now you're panicking you'll be laid off

Worry has become breakfast, lunch & dinner

Your world feels like it's falling apart

You can't keep your thoughts off your career/business in case something bad happens

And this has starved your loved ones from your attention 

Your children keep asking "When will you spend time Mummy?"

And it breaks your heart… 

You didn't build this career to be busy all the time

You thought when you achieved all your dreams that you'll be able to rest, relax, and receive

But lately, you've been giving more than ever

Your friends ask you out for lunch, but you keep declining 

You just can't face them

Your partner wants to spend more time but you want to work

You just want to bury your head in the sand and disappear 

You're bloated, can't sleep, and have water retention

You feel like you can't catch a break but when you do, you go back to thinking about work, money & career 

Here's what's happening subconsciously

Your career has become your safety net

The place you run to for love and validation

That's why you hold water retention or bloat a lot

Or find it hard to lose belly fat

You're dealing with abandonment wounds

And they're not necessarily from your Dad

They could have been from your Mum

Here's how to know if it's from your Mum or Dad

Answer these questions

1️⃣Were you ever separated from your Mum in your early years? 

2️⃣Did you have skin-to-skin contact as soon as you were born?

3️⃣Did your Mum birth naturally or was it a c-section? 

4️⃣What age did your Dad leave/Do you remember feeling distant from him? 

If you can answer the above you have a Soul Wound™️ around Love

Your Mum provides the safety when you're born

Her touch is enough to regulate your nervous system to rest, relax and receive

But if your Mum had to go back to work, a few weeks after you were born, or wasn't around

Your nervous system switched on the fight/flight response

And when your Mum came home, she had to keep her distance from you, because she didn't want to deal with the guilt of leaving you behind

You depended on her nervous system to survive

You noticed she was dysregulated, which dysregulated you too

Which creates that Soul Wound™️

But because your parents didn't teach you the skills to heal that wound

You filled the void with shame and guilt. It stored in your body

Now that you're older, you're repeating the pattern of abandonment
and triggering the Soul Wound™️ by

Being with men who remind you of the abandonment. 

They're emotionally unavailable or only with you because you're successful & beautiful 

They subtly gaslight you but because you're dysregulated you think it's normal

Or you've made your business/career your partner. 

It's the place you run to for support, comfort, love, safety. 

You can't form healthy relationships because you didn't get that connection from your parents

Money has become your safety net. It's why you feel safe when you get paid

You feel that warmth in your heart & gut when you look at money going up in your account

And that's why you worry if you'll ever have enough money more than your loved ones

When you spend money, you try to feel good about it

But later on you'll get triggered by an unexpected bill and you'll hold on to your money for dear life 

You don't know what real love feels like

It goes back to your early years where a Soul Wound™️ by your Dad

He didn't create safety in your environment. 

You felt like you had to protect and provide for yourself 

That Soul Wound™️ deepened and you found other outlets to find that safety 

Maybe drugs, alcohol, sex, men, money, stressful careers/situations, toxic relationships

Your nervous system feels like it can only thrive in stress and chaos

You don't know what peace feels like

And that's why you don't know what love is

Until you heal the Sound Wound™️ you'll always feel like you don't have enough money, haven't worked hard enough, aren't pretty enough or successful enough

You'll never understand deep love or feel love to receive it

Imagine feeling deeply satisfied with life

That every moment is worth it

Imagine feeling ALIVE instead of worrying about your next payment, to-do list or event

Just imagine being present with loved ones
I know you see that word being thrown around alot these days and you roll your eyes thinking
"I don't have time" 

Imagine making time for the present moment

This isn't about journaling in your diary about how grateful you are for Gucci shoes or a healthy investment portfolio 

This is about feeling that satisfaction deep in your soul

Sit with it for a moment. Just feeling free from the to-do's, endless tasks

Take a deep breath into that feeling

Because that's the feeling you've been looking for in your next man... 

... Your next project 

.... Your next venture

... Your next vacation

You're looking for something outside of yourself, to give you satisfaction 

You won't find peace in the Maldives 

Or on the mountains of Tibet

You can't chase peace 

Peace comes from within

You will never arrive at peace, feeling dissatisfied
where you are right now

I can help you find that peace & satisfaction within using
Abundance Rewiring™️

A powerful hypnosis framework that helps

🧠Delete painful memories of being abandoned

🤢Release shame from your body caused by those painful memories 

💃🏽Reconnect to the real you. The one you dreamed of being when you were younger. 

Sexy, confident, in love, happy, fulfilled, satisfied, feminine, in love... All that good stuff

Here's how we can work together

8-Month Sacred. Feminine. Success
1:1 Program

We spend 8 months working intimately on 8 areas of your life to create a deeply, satisfying life that has the most fulfilling relationships

By the end of 8 months you'll have healed permanently in 8 areas of your and finally feel deeply satisfied with everything you've achieved

You'll know what enough feels like while still desiring more from a place of enough less 

You'll have formed authentic connections with friends

You'll be acting like a newly wed with your husband, in the honeymoon stage, with orgasms in the bedroom

You'll no longer measure your success on your bank account or career 

You'll be wildly feminine, asking for support, receiving it with an open heart, and daring to be vulnerable

You'll break down those walls 

Your health will improve. You'll wake up energized and fall asleep with ease

You'll have a deeper connection with God. It's indescribable, you'll feel at home with your Lord

Your life will exude God Vibes

My clients get long-lasting results that keep on transforming them, long after our work together


How Asumini conquered perfectionism to hire a VA & sell consistently online



From undercharging to doubling her prices and booking clients.



Went from doubting her prices to tripling them.



In 6 months, Lisa went from feeling confused to clarity in her business.



24 ONE hour coaching calls (3 per month)
This is more like therapy where you bring your needs, wants, and challenges to the call and we create a plan of how to move through them

These calls are a combination of hypnosis, NLP, CBT and other healing modalities

M-F voxer suoport in between our sessions so you don't have to wait to have your questions answered. I'm walking this path with you for the entire 8 months.

90 min Energy Cleanse Intensive (If paid in full) we'll map out subconscious beliefs and stored trauma in your body so we know exactly what to work on over the next 8 months

You'll understand why you have stored these traumas and a clear intention on what needs to heal over the time we work together

8 One Hour Abundance Rewiring™️ sessions (1 Per month) We'll rewire your subconscious & release the trauma stored in your body, for fast relief and results

You'll heal permanently and stop sabotaging your relationships in no time

This is an intimate space where we get to know each other on soul level

You can come as you are. You won't need to pretend that life is great

This will be the mental health space you needed, when you started your career/business

This is an application ONLY program

To be eligible you must be earning at least 50k a year & be able to make a deposit of £1k for the callback 

Click the button below to apply for a callback


Please note these prices are subject to increase

I work with women like you who are ready to live a life that truly turns them on

Wildly feminine
Sacred success 
With God in mind

The current investment is £45k for 8 months 
(payment plans are available) 

I need you to know that whatever you're going through can be healed permanently 

You can and will heal
You were destined for love
Your Sacred. Feminine. Success awaits

Love Rosalean

If you want to heal permanently with God in mind look no further) 

Book in advance recommended 

Please note full payment must be received before the package begins

Let's do this together because when one woman heals, she heals her bloodline & generations of women to come.

Gurl this could be you!

— Amirah

— Hanaa

— Insiya