Master Your Femnergetics™️

Embody your feminine radiance that is dripping in wealth and pleasure in just 30 days

Let’s face it, gurl

Hustling & burn out isn't sustainable 

As a female breadwinner and Alpha CEO, you're here because you want more ease and flow. You want more cash, impact, and inner peace.

You're ready for it all and I'm here to help you achieve it!

You want…

♥️ peace of mind knowing clients are coming

♥️ your business to run smoothly without you

♥️ to delegate like a badass so you can take vacations

♥️ more soul-aligned clients

♥️ to write content consistently and from the heart

♥️ to set healthy boundaries with your clients and stand in your feminine essence

♥️ to experience true love, orgasms, and mind-blowing sex

♥️ to feel so confident in your intuition and be recognised for your talents and expertise

♥️ to drip in wealth and pleasure by embodying your feminine radiance

You basically want it ALL— cash, love, great physique, peace, pleasure, excitement, and more!


But how do you achieve that?

The answer is aligning your 4 bodies: mental, emotional, energy & physical

When you align these 4 bodies you stop hustling in your masculine energy and embrace all the goodness of wealth.

Your feminine essence is the perfect vessel to receive.

So get ready to align your 4 bodies so you can enjoy your wealth and sustain your income while acquiring more cash and clients in a way that feels delicious.


What if I told you…

that you could experience pure pleasure and wealth in 30 days without:

❌ burning out

❌ hustling

❌ trying more misaligned business strategies

❌ affirming and journaling non-stop

❌ spending another 6 years in therapy


The real reason why none of these have worked for you is that your subconscious has its own set of beliefs that need to be unlocked.

And it is only through aligning your 4 bodies and meeting your future self that

you BECOME the woman you dream of…

you LIVE in your dreams rather than the anxiety of the future…

and you BELIEVE in your abilities to make money.

You want all of this and more— don’t you?

Master Your Femnergetics™️

is the program for you.

I’m so confident in my work…

Because over the last 12 years I've worked in the field of mindset, positive psychology, hypnotherapy, and intuitive healing.

I've developed a unique tool that's designed to remove shame in your womb so that you can become the essence of divine femininity, and live your abundant blueprint.

I've helped hundreds of female entrepreneurs experience phenomenal results like:

  • doubling and tripling their prices

  • falling pregnant after years of infertility and spending thousands on IVF

  • fully booked and paid-in-full clients

  • finding love again and getting married

  • conquering their fear of being vulnerable online

  • healing deep childhood and ancestral wounds around money, visibility, femininity, confidence, and success

  • writing consistent content that turns leads into soul-aligned clients

  • being recognised as a pioneer in their field

  • and much more!

My clients get long-lasting results that keep on transforming them, long after our work together



From being burnt out to raising her prices and working less.



From undercharging to doubling her prices and booking clients.



Went from doubting her prices to tripling them.



In 6 months, Lisa went from feeling confused to clarity in her business.


More details?

Here’s how we embody your feminine pleasure so you can drip in wealth & ease:

  • Using my unique tool, Abundance Rewiring™️, I will help you align your 4 bodies by identifying the disempowering subconscious beliefs you have around money and success.

  • Then we’ll remove the shame, doubt, fear, and resentment in your womb that's creating shadows and hindering your ability to receive.

  • And finally, I’ll help you reconnect with your future self and start downloading HER thoughts and beliefs that turn your subconscious on and allow you to become the REAL you!

 What's included

Here's what's included in this transformational 30 day program

  • Abundance Rewiring™️

    A 2-hour session to deeply and rapidly heal all your wounds around money and success and rewire your belief system so you can drip in wealth & pleasure.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    3 personalised coaching sessions to cleanse your energy, clear your womb and reprogram your subconscious so you can embody feminine radiance.

  • Perosnalised Audio

    Personalised Abundance Rewiring™️ audio to align your 4 bodies and reprogram your subconscious to live in your future. No more resistance towards your goals or living in the past.

  • 24/7 Voxer Support

    24/7 Voxer support for the duration of this coaching program. An intimate and safe space to share wins and receive support that is specifically tailored to help you achieve success.

Past Clients Say…

“I get to spend more time with my kids after school instead of being in the kitchen cooking. And I realised this is PRICELESS. Alhamdulillah, I feel grateful that I was able to make this decision and grateful for this group.”

— Amirah Z., Sex Educator

“Rosy, thank you for today! I really needed all of it. Every week is always so good, but today releasing all of this was 10000% necessary.”

— Stacey K., Business Consultant

“I have begun your hypnosis over the past few days and it’s awesome. I can feel the change.”

— Sabrina M., Body Confidence Coach

I need you to know…

The life you desire is available for you.

Your desire for ease and pleasure while being a successful woman is valid and yours.

You don't need to hustle for it. You can ease into it and flow.

Just like my clients, you too can experience pure pleasure and wealth in your feminine essence.

Let’s start with a complimentary breakthrough call to assess where your goals and how we can achieve them.

Wealthy Muslim Woman eBook


Wealthy Muslim Woman eBook ♦︎

How did I go from broke, homeless, divorced, single parenthood & depression
The FIRST multi six figure, Muslim & Niqabi, Wealth Hypnotist in 3 years?
💎Get married to my soul mate & become a blended family of 9
💎Escape the matrix & move continents to live by the beach
💎Home birth 2 children safely
💎Own real estate

Simple. I asked Allah & He blessed me beyond my wildest dreams

I started being grateful for all the small things and Allah Gave me more.

Because that's the effects of gratitude right? With certainty, Allah will give you more

Download my Wealthy Muslim Woman eBook for Free