I feel like I'm going insane watching the genocide in Palestine

I've spoken to a lot of people online who are feeling guilty about Palestine

From veterans to everyday people who fell for the "all Muslims are terrorists" rhetoric

I've had people asking for forgiveness for believing my face veil was a threat

It's a beautiful yet painful time to be alive

The world is waking up to the truth

What we've learned over the past 37 days is that peace used to mean silence

Propaganda wanted us to turn away while brown/black people were massacred

All in the name of peace

Now we're screaming for liberation

All.of.us. From veterans to influencers to politicians

We're all asking for an end to the genocide of Palestinians

Current events remind me of the song by Emile Sande "Read all about it"

"I want to sing, I want to shout, I want to scream till the words dry out…"

That's exactly how we're all feeling

But with liberation comes this feeling of insanity, mixed with guilt, anger, broken yet calm, happy & delusion

It's like going on a diet

The unhealthy food looks delicious but you know it's going to make you sick

Yet you can't help but look at it

Propaganda is similar

You watch it & find yourself saying "but why couldn't Hamas just nicely ask IsNOTreal to stop. Now we're all stuck in this"

We have Muslims saying "why can't Palestinians just leave?"

We have Muslim scholars saying "The Palestinians issue has been going on forever. Don't be hasty. Make dua"

And then you scroll on your phone & you see another video of a decapitated baby & you're snapped back into reality

That isNOTreal are & have been the oppressors all along

Palestine is under siege

Now is the time you need to speak up now or your silence will be siding with the oppressor

Pure panic overcomes you. That you've not done enough or said enough for Palestine

And then you use excuses like your Imams, influencers, and friends to say "well they aren't doing it so why should I? Why should I risk my life"?

You flutter between these 2 states until the guilt overwhelms you for being silent or not believing that Palestinians are under genocide

This is moral remorse where you feel distress, guilt & shame for the genocide in Palestine

Here's what's happening subconsciously

You're being presented with all the beliefs of autonomy

You're realizing you've had sovereignty all along, you just didn't know how to access it

And the genocide in Palestine has forced you to review your belief system

That it's been indoctrinated by colonialism, and white supremacy (even among BIPOC & Muslims)

You were waiting for a white man to save you (this isn't an attack on my white brothers & sisters. I love you all)

But the white supremacists butchered Indigenous lands & made us believe it's because they were savages

And we're waiting for the white man to say stop the genocide in Palestine

What you need to do is realise you have more power than the white man

You've had the power all along & you're being presented with the choice to access it

That's why you keep feeling remorse, because you want to stop the genocide

You are yearning for Palestinians to be free just like you are

Here's an exercise to release the remorse & get back to advocating for the liberation of Palestine

Imagine you're watching a movie about how Palestine became free

Write out the script. What happened? How did you feel? What did you do?

Write it in the past tense as if it's already happened & you're reading it to an audience

Telling them how you saved Palestine

Focus on the feeling. It could be security, power, safety

Tune into that feeling everytime you think about Palestine & advocate for them, from that place

You have the power.


Love notes